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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up the Schweitzer Hydration Kit?

See the video below to get instructions to install the Hydration Kit

Hands-Free Hydration

Stay hydrated without having to stop and open your bag to get your water bottle

  1. 1 • Put the water bottle into the bag
  2. 2 • Remove all the part except the bite valve and hose
  3. 3 • Pass the tube through the elastic loops and up the strap
  4. 4 • Put the hose through the opening in the back and insert it into the silicone opening
  5. 5 • Put the magnetic clip onto the strap and attach the bite valve into place

When will pre-orders/backorders ship?

We complete a quality control review on all products we receive from our production team and usually ship within 1 business day of when we receive them. Due to the nature of freight though out the country, we cannot guarantee when back orders and pre-sales will be in your hand.

I am worried that my pins will fall off or get scratched?

We include 10 locking pin backs with each backpack purchase. You can get more in our store as well. We have been using these for many years without issue. Put the back on your pin and give it a little tug to make sure it had connected all the way. To remove use your nail or something hard to get between the top of the pin back and lift it away from the pin to release. I like to use a butter knife for a quick removal. We have found that pins hold up great if you put your bag down with care.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship internationally. If you are visiting a resort from out of the country we can send your bag to your hotel or a friends house as well.

What water bottle works with the hydration kit?

With the hydration kit there are some bottles that we have had great success with. Keep in mind that some water bottles like the tall and skinny Smart Water bottles are too tall and will kink your hose. Here is a link to an Instagram post we did about the bottles

Instagram Link

Is the backpack waterproof?

We have created these backpacks with adventure and style in mind. We have used water resistant materials and have found that they stand up to a little rain. If its a heavy rain that would soak you to the bone they might need a little more protection. We have backpack covers coming soon to the shop for those special soak you to the bone occasions.

How much can my bag hold?

These bags are larger than the most popular backpacks found in the parks. They are meant to give you more options for your day. That said if you overload your bag it will probably not work at its best. Stuffing it past capacity can cause the straps to slide or the zippers to open. The max weight should be around 20lbs. If you make your bag too heavy it can hurt your back which is true of any bag.

I see a color online or in your pictures that’s not available in the shop?

We often will run special colors or collabs with artists. The items that are offered as a limited edition are ones that we may not be restocking. If there is a color you see that you want its best to get it now before it’s gone. There are some that we might re release in the future but Limited edition means we have no more ordered and it will likely sell out and not be returning.

How do I store my ears?

You can put your ears in the strap in the front of the bag. You can fit 2 pairs there if you wish. The headband can be left out or put in to the pin pocket and the zippers closed up to the sides of the headband. We have found that the headband in the pocket blocks that opening to prevent things falling out. If you are worried just leave the headband out. You can also fit a pair of ears sideways in the front pocket of the backpack quite nicely. Don't use this strap to hold heavy items, it is not designed to hold a lot of weight.